About Mogasi Magazine

Mogasi Team

Mogasi is your home for everything around skiing and snowboarding. With inside information out of all tyrolean ski destinations. We can provide this information, since we are born with tourism. We don’t know everything going on in tyrolean tourism, but we do know the people who do. This is why we try to build a community of people who know stuff all around tirol that are happy to share these informations.

You have informations for us?

If you want to contribute, be it as person who knows about stuff, editor or by sending us photos or videos, you are warmly invited to. We are looking forward to your input.
Just contact us: fragen@mogasi.com

Editorial staff: Mona Marko, Dominik Tschoder, Johannes Sonderegger, Josef Sonderegger
Authors: Tschulie Ladner, Anna Schöpf, Magdalena Wimmer, Isabelle Walser, Eveline Siegele, Thorsten Moeller  
Translation: Sarah Gronow
Photos: Nicolai Jørgensen, Hannes Walser