The First Snow Fall – Material Check For Your Skis

gear check, mogasi

The temperature sinks. The first snow fall dusts the mountain tops. Winter lovers are excited about the temperature drop and can hardly wait until the slopes are open again and they can rip their first turns.

Before it gets to this point, it is advisable to check your equipment. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are my boots still in good condition?
    Check your plates and change them if necessary. See if your foot has changed at all in the boot and if there are any new pressure points. You have to decide if you want to ski in this boot for another season. A general rule of thumb for durability is: a boot will last a maximum of 150 ski-days or seven years, whichever comes first.
  2. Do my skis need to be tuned?
    Waxing your bases and sharpening your edges are basic requirements for a good ski day.
  3. When was my LVS device last serviced?
    LVS devices should be taken to an official test center every three years or as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. 
  4. Are the bindings intact and the din-settings still correct?
    The din-setting shows the release tension, which changes according to the skier’s weight and ability. You can double check this at a sport shop if you are uncertain.
  5. Does the adhesive still hold or do the skins need re-coating?
    This check is only relevant for ski tourers.

If small problems occur, you can usually fix these quickly and easily at a sport store of your choice. If your equipment is sent to the manufacture to be serviced then you have to allow for shipping and repair time. For example: an LVS device or pair of ski boots can take up to three weeks to be serviced. This must be taken into account as winter nears.

If you do not ski often, you should consider the option of rental skis. In doing so, you will leave the maintenance to the professionals and your skis will always meet your quality and performance requirements.

In addition to checking your ski equipment, you should also make sure your helmet, gloves, jacket, thermals and socks are adequate as well as both functional and fashionable.

Take advantage of the time in Autumn to check your gear so as soon as that first real dump hits, you are ready to go!

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