Snowboard Freestyle Grab Techniques

Indy Grab

When you touch your skis or snowboard it is called a grab. This can be added to various tricks to give them more style. In order to do them, you need to be able to control the snowboard/skis, get the timing right when jumping off, control the airtime and a safa landing.

Start out with straight air jumps and add different grabs to it. When you can control those, you can combine them with other tricks.

We’d like show you the different types:

Snowboard Grabs

  • IndyIndy grab

Reach your board with the back hand on the frontside between the bindings to perform an indy grab. Tweak the back foot and bone the front foot to add more style to the indy.

  • Stalefishstalefish

The stalefish is characterized by the fact that you grab your snowboard with the back hand on the backside between the bindings. Lots of snowboarders add a FS-Shifty and try to bone the back foot.


  • Melonmelon

Grab the backside of the board with your front hand between the binding to do a melon. Give the grab more style by adding a nose bone to it.


  • Mutemute

To do a mute grab, touch the frontside if the board with your front hand between the binding. Grab close to your front foot to perform a tail bone to give the mute more style.



  • Nosenose grab

Touch your front at the nose for this grab. It is important that you tweak the front foot and bone the back foot to avoid leaning forward and stay in balance for a safe landing.


  • Tailtail grab

Touch the tail of your board for a tail grab. Tweak the back foot and slightly bone the front foot. Let go of the grab before the landing, in order to rotate the snowboard into the landing.



  • Methodmethod

For this trick you do a BS-Shifty first. The legs are angled and you grab the board with your front hand at the backside between the bindings. Point your upper body towards the valley.




  • BS-Air (Backside-Air)BS-Air

The BS-Air is similar to the method. Grab the board in front of the front binding and bone the back foot completely.

What is your most favourite grab? Did we miss one? What other techniques would you like to read about?

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