How Important Are Floor Plans Of Guest Rooms and Apartments?

Floor Plan, Mogasi

Are you a proprietor and considering whether floor plans could be of benefit to you and your guests? Are you wondering if they are necessary and will they increase room sales?

What do your guests look at before booking?

We usually read the precise and lovingly formulated descriptions of the properties. These descriptions are accompanied by photos of the rooms that depict the property in an appealing fashion.

The descriptions are often not read by many potential guests. The provided photos are mostly more informative. However, it can be hard for some guests to imagine the space from the photos alone. This can be difficult even for guests within the construction industry.

Floor plans help secure the booking

The so-called floor plan pictures can offer a sense of relief, which are well known from rental and purchase properties. The guests are able to see what interior configurations are provided as well as get a grasp of the spatial parameters of the room at just a glance. In conjunction with the description and the photos, the guest room is presented and understood more clearly with a floor plan.

At the point of reservations your guest knows exactly how many rooms the apartment has, where the 3rd and 4th person will sleep and if there is a balcony.

Grundriss Bilder, Mogasi, eveline

Will floor plans increase my room sales?

During the search for the perfect holiday destination, the photos are most important for the guest. Only when the photos appeal to them will the description be read, and in the best case, a room will be booked.

With floor plans, the guests have access to much more information about the available rooms and will be more inclined to view other photos and read the description.

Spot the room category at a glance?

If my property is now in the selection, most guests will book the cheapest room in a category. With floor plans you can show the differences within a category quickly and easily. Your guest can immediately see which categories are available and compare them.

Your guest can also better understand it when you offer them a free upgrade in order to increase their comfort and subsequently the property’s rating.If you would like to have professional floor plans on your website or booking platform, feel free to contact

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