Most Common Technical Errors in Skiing

Technical Errors in Skiing

In order to properly master modern carving skiing and ski through any situation safely, a certain technique is required. This technique includes positions such as the Alpine Basic Position, central position and a cleanly steered turn. For many skiers technical errors have crept in, which causes them to lose their stable position. The most common technical errors are:

1. Technical error: Sitting back

Sitting back is one of the most common techinical errors in skiing. It is also very easily engrained into a novist’s technique. If you have a constant pull on your thighs or if you stand predominantly on your heels, then you are sitting back.

Sitting back
Sitting back

In the case of a beginner, sitting back is ofter used to compensate for the underestimated speed. To lean backwards is a natural reflex to anxiety provoking situations, as it also occurs when someone frightens us. However, in order to be stable whilst skiing, you must avoid sitting back.

Common problems associated with this technical error are:

  • Faster fatigue of the thighs
  • Pain in the calves
  • Conditionally tiring
  • A harder to control ski
  • No mobility


Try to keep your upper body slightly forward while skiing. Furthermore, you should feel your shinbone pressuring the front of the boot. The ideal position is the central position.


Do you find yourself fighting against sitting back? We have three exercises to help you avoid this fatiguing position:

2. Technical error: Leaning inside

Leaning inside always occurs when you start the turn by tipping to whole body towards the inside of the turn.

Leaning inside
Leaning inside

This creates the problem of standing on the inside ski (uphill ski) at the end of the turn (steering phase). This means you are not skiing in the alpine basic position and have subsequently lost stability in your turn.

Common problems associated with leaning inside:

  • Speed control
  • Edging the ski ‘properly’
  • Steering the ski
  • Not ready for movement


Try to tip your upper body more over the downhill (outside) ski during the turn so that you are able to steer the turn out properly.


These three exercises should help prevent leaning inside.

3. Technical error: Rotating

If you use your upper body or hips to initiate the turn then you will find yourself rotating. Similar to leaning inside, you will finish the turn with most of your weight on the inside (uphill) ski.


As your upper body is located on the inside of the turn, it becomes difficult to properly steer the turn.

Common problems associated with rotating:

  • Sliding for too long
  • Inability to steer out the turn properly
  • Limited grip
  • Not ready for movement


Try to initiate your turn properly. Use your hip, knee and ankle joints to flatten the ski. Once you have done this, the ski will automatically slide in the direction of the fall line. If you start your turn like this, you will not need to rotate and will remain stable over the skis throughout the entire turn.


With these three exercises you can determine yourself whether and/or how much you are rotating.

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