Ski Technique: Pia’s Lesson

Ski technique with a ski instructor

Today we want to analyse with you a style of skiing in regards to ski technique. It is important to find the key strengths and weaknesses. If you can see that in other skiers, you can understand your movements better.

Pia Willert from Denmark wanted to improve her technique with a ski lesson and we were able to go along. Moreover, we were able to analyse it. For Pia, it was her third ski holiday. Her goal was to ski more dynamically and athletically as well as to go over the basics again. The beginning of the lesson involved some relaxed skiing to get the feeling back. This was followed by practicing the basic position in alpine skiing. As Pia began to feel more comfortable on flatter slopes, we went to some slightly steeper terrain.

After a few runs we made the following video to record her ski technique:

We can see her movements are still a bit hesitant at first. In addition, we would now like to ask you three questions that you can answer yourself:

  1. What does Pia do right?
  2. What should Pia try to improve next?
  3. Which exercise will help her to do so?

Leave us a comment with your answers!

In the following segment, we will look at how her ski technique changed during her lessons and what exercises she did with her instructor.

Pia’s lesson to improve her technique

Pia spent four days with a private ski instructor for 90 minutes at a time. Her lessons included free-skiing, exercises for the technique, video analysis, demonstrations and explanations. Her ski instructor also chose slopes that were appropriate for her ability. After the lesson, Pia was able to transfer the exercises into her normal free-skiing.

We would like to thank Pia for allowing us to post her video and analyse her skiing.

For many skiers it is not a top priority to improve their technique. However, we would like to reaffirm that many skiers work on their technique. The better you ski, the more fun it is, regardless of the speed.

Finally, we would like to ask: When did you last do some exercises for your technique?

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